I was originally drawn to a discussion thread about “Israel – An Aggressor State”. It had been started on December 30, 2008 after the most recent Gaza conflict began. There is clearly a media war going on aside from the actual military conflict. The pro-Hamas side was vigilant in their postings. With an 8-hour time difference, it seemed these guys never slept. On every discussion thread that related to Israel, Muslims or the Middle-East conflict, these same guys were posting pro-propaganda for Hamas. Last night a moderator took all of the discussion threads relating to Israel and Muslims down at “The Sun”. So, my recently acquired addiction to “The Sun” discussion threads will be satisfied on my own blog – as it should be.
Here is one of my posts in response to “Those Wacky Iranians Are At It Again”.
Hmmmmm - Let's see, this topic brings up a lot of bile. Fouad Ajami, Christain Lebanese scholar, once said that radical Islamists display something called belligerent self-pity. Something is used as a pretext for offense or outrage to their tender Islamic sensibilities, and then off they go into paroxysms of rage and violence. A short, very incomplete, list follows. Iranian US Embassy, sovereign territory, was taken and occupied for 444 days. (if Jimmah Carter wasn't such a coward it would have been 4 hours, but that's another story.) Honor Killings (even now in the US), 9/11, Theo Van Gogh, female circumcision, limited rights for women, women as chattel, persecution of Brigitte Gabriel, Oriana Fallaci, Melanie Phillips, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 5 witnesses to confirm the rape of a women, death to anyone bringing a Bible into Saudi Arabia, religious police, 7/7, Public stoning, Bali bombing, Mumbai, homicide bombers, indoctrinating children to hate non-Muslims, arranged marriages, Madrid bombings, unwillingness to assimilate, beheadings on TV and the internet, US citizen's bodies hanging from a bridge in Fallujah, Palestinian Muslims stealing land from Christian Palestinians, Daniel Pearl, beheadings of Ayat Taariq, Kenneth Bigley, Eugene Armstrong and on and on and on. Of all the violent conflicts on earth, virtually all of them are a result of Muslim blood lust. So, spare me your Islamic piety and superiority complex. We kuffar think Mohammed is a false prophet and don't appreciate you trying to shove Sharia down our throat at the point of a sword or through our own legal systems and the exploitation of political correctness and the lie of multiculturalism. If you want the full-on Sharia experience get the hell out of the modern west and move to Saudi Arabia if you're a Sunni, or Iran if you're a Shiite. You can enjoy your medieval perversion there at your leisure.
I also checked out some discussion threads about the way the British feel towards immigration, illegal immigrants receiving benefits, under-achieving schools, loss of national identity, multi-culturalism, terrorism, the PC police and anti-Christian sentiments.
I had a few surprises. There are a lot of Americans who participate in these discussion threads. In fact it seems that there is a little blog-o-sphere family of Americans who seem to know each other quite well. And the British are more similar to Americans than I would have ever guessed. Reading the discussions about publics schools, the impact of illegal immigrants who receive tax dollar benefits and don’t want to assimilate, anti-Christian sentiments and outrage over public displays of the cross, parents who feel they are being usurped by the public schools. These are all American concerns too. I was expecting, first of all not to see these topics at all, and then if posted a total liberal, leftist bent. Not at all, both Americans and British commenter’s had very traditional, nationalist, patriotic view points.
Here is an example of the beginning of a thread concerning public display of the cross.
TV bosses have come under fire after an altar cross was moved and hidden inside a church during the filming of a Coronation Street wedding. Rev James Milnes of St Mary's Church in Nether Alderley, Cheshire, is furious the brass piece was placed behind a garish candelabra and artificial flowers for fear it would cause offence to viewers. TV crews used the church in November to film the wedding of Tyrone Dobbs, played by Alan Halsall, and Molly Compton, played by Vicky Binns. Mr Milnes wrote in his monthly parish magazine that Granada Television "had emptied the church of the very thing that makes it a church". Traditional "How can people think it is offensive to see a cross in a church in the same way you would normally see the Koran in a mosque or the Torah in a synagogue? That is the emblem of this faith," he wrote. Mr Milnes, 29, says he will spend Granada's £4,600 fee for using the church to buy a larger silver cross for the altar. "There is a constant attrition to our way of life," he wrote. "You can't say this and you can't say that for fear of offending. Who can we possibly be offending?" A Granada spokeswoman apologised over the decision and said: "We are looking into how and why this happened. "As the Rev Milnes rightly says we chose the church because the characters wanted a traditional religious church wedding. "Covering up the cross was an error and we apologise for any upset."
Ah yes, I am so reassured that our friends over the pond, ‘will not go quietly into that good night’ of the liberal abyss.
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