Wednesday, September 16, 2009

California Schools Teach Sharia Law

An excerpt from the article notes some details which the California State Board of Education omits. “About sixty million Christians,eighty million Hindus, and ten million Buddhists were killed during the jihad conquests”. “Jews saw a mosque built on top of their temple mount in their own Holy Land in Jerusalem, and Egypt was a Byzantine Coptic Christian nation for six hundred years before Muslim Bedouins invaded this ancient civilization in the seventh century and forced Islam and the Arabic language on its citizens who suffered an extreme and brutal genocide.” “Africa suffered 120 million deaths from jihad in the last fourteen hundred years.”

California schools paint Christians as evil and the Palestinians as victims. Our schools no longer teach patriotism, love of country or pride for American exceptionalism. Is it any wonder that California schools who once lead the nation in achievement are now vying for last place? We need to get back to basics, focus on being the best and steer clear of the self-loathing, apologist agenda now being taught in our schools.

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