Monday, November 24, 2008

Democrat Takes On The Holy Grail - The Teachers Union

Rhee-Forming D.C. Schools
A Democrat shakes up Washington's failed public schools.

Finally a Democrat that understands what ails our public education system! The Washington DC public education system spends more per student than any other school system in the United States. Yet their students are the worst performing in the nation.
Read the article in the Wall Street Journal.
Can Rhee come to California? Or what about Rhee for the new Secretary of Education? Hopefully our President Elect (of all 57 states) is taking note of Rhee’s ambitious goals.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cookie and Sushi, Not A Good Combo

I would have thought that all my liberal friends would finally be happy after the results of the November 4th election. The Bush Derangement Syndrome that afflicted them would be cured. Just like Jesus laying hands on the sick and infirmed, the President Elect, the Messiah would heal the liberals. As a society, we would return to more civil behavior. No longer would liberals have to endure seething anger and irrational hate. But alas, no it is not to be.

I went out for sushi with my boyfriend and another couple for a birthday celebration. They are a well-heeled couple from the upscale San Francisco Bay Area community of Los Gatos. The wife, Cookie, does not work and is currently experiencing the ‘empty nest’. For the past 8 years politics were off the list of what we could discuss at social gatherings. Cookie is a ‘one-issue’ voter. Everything is based around abortion. She hates President Bush and Christians.

Here is an example of how Cookie begins a conversation expressing her viewpoint, but shuts down any other opinion. Right after they arrive at the sushi bar, we exchange hellos, hugs and happy birthday greetings. Her next comment is “We voted for Obama, so we can’t talk politics.”

I don’t have Obama derangement syndrome. He is my President too. I hope I’m wrong about his policies. I want him to do well for our country. So, I’m curious about what specifically attracted Cookie and her husband about Obama and why this wealthy, non-practicing Jewish couple would vote for an anti-Israel socialist. When I asked her what policies attracted her to Obama, she snarled back that we could not talk about politics. When the conversation briefly turned to California’s passing of Proposition 8, the constitutional amendment prohibiting gay marriage, the incredible insight provided with vitriol from Cookie was “it was the Christians and the Mormons.” Actually, it was overwhelming support from blacks and Latinos and those of us who don’t like judicial activism, but then again, facts aren’t Cookie’s long suit.

I got my answer. Their vote is not about the merits of issues; it’s all about emotion.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Facts not emotion - Great audio clip on Socialized Healthcare

Here's a 4 min audio clip about Socialized Healthcare. Yes you do have time to listen

If you suspect a brain tumor call your socialist doctor

This was posted by a Canadian on ( check out the YouTube link about their socialized medical care system below.

Take it from me, socialized medicine sucks. I have an entrapped ulnar nerve up here in Canada. Actually, the ulnar nerve is in my left hand, but the hand is in Canada. It become damaged 6 months ago. Since then, the muscles in my left hand have atrophied to the point that my left hand looks it belongs on some other person. I have yet to have surgery scheduled. Why? The interim six months have been spent waiting for appointments to see 3 people: the neurologist, and two orthopaedists. (The first orthopaedist, a guy with a surly attitude, a long beard, and a turban, did such a poor job according to the neurologist, I had to wait two more months to see another one.) I have yet to have the appointment to see the actual surgeon who will do the actual operation to relieve the actual entrapment. This is an operation I knew I had to have as soon as I googled the problem 6 months ago. Nonetheless, there are procedures and protocols that must be observed. I live in a major city, yet today I had to drive 60 miles to see a neurologist for a total of 4 minutes so that he could tell me that he will schedule an appointment for me to see a surgeon. I expect that to take another 3 months. The appointment. The surgery will take 3 months after that. The surgeon, the god of all doctors, is the final destination of this process. You see him only after you have run the gauntlet.

So much time has gone by, I may never regain full use of my left hand. Time is of the essence. Yet the waiting periods for appointments are so long because there are so few specialists. Socialized medicine means rationing services. And money, if you have it, is not a tool to improve your lot. It is illegal to pay for faster services. You, comrade, must remain in line with everybody else. As Winston Churchill said, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. ” Rich or poor, you all stand in a 1984-style line to wait the “free” services.

What do Canadians do who have more pressing matters with regard to their health care? Well, they go to a place that does not have socialized medicine. The States, of course. My brother’s chronic septic nerve acted up last year and he could barely walk. Through a contact, and only through a contact, he was able to get an appointment for surgery quickly, but he needed an MRI. But the waiting time to get one was months. (Canada is not an advanced enough country to have many of those machines with technicians who can use them.) So he drove over the border into the US and got one the next day.

Socialized medicine is great if you just need to see your family doctor for an ear ache. The visit is free. You still have to pay for your medication. Even socialized medicine is not that generous. But if you need more specialized services, because, oh let’s say, you have an entrapped ulnar nerve, a very common occurrence, well, then socialized medicine falls on its face. If you need surgery to remove a brain tumor, it’s no longer a joke.

My condition is not so pressing. I can still walk and can go about my daily life. Although, my typing has been hampered by the fact that two of my fingers are on strike. The only consolation in this experience is that my nerve problem is, in a microcosm, what ails western society: The left causes a problem, the right has to pick up the slack, and the government is in no rush to fix things.

Socialized Health is FREEEEEEEEE! Not!

A couple of weeks ago the topic of socialized healthcare came up in my art class. I admit I brought it up and it was off topic. I was upset about a discussion regarding the unions, taxpayer funds and tuition dollars and blurted out how this would be an example of how inept our healthcare system would be run.

My teacher passionately responded how socialized healthcare saved her life in Australia ….. and it was free. Two of my fellow students chirped like parrots saying “free”, “and it’s free”.

I can’t really say I understand how socialized healthcare can save one’s life, but I am glad that my teacher is alive and apparently in good health. I enjoy her art and teaching acumen even though she thinks my political views are causing the oceans to rise and the world to hate us.

Perhaps I was missing something. So I went to the Australian government’s website and checked out what they had to say about their healthcare system. As of 1984 taxpayers pay a ‘Medicare levy’, (or what we in the US-of-A would call a tax), the amount Aussie’s pay is based on income, toward national healthcare.

The Australian government pays (from taxes collected) for 100% of medical care received by the patient. The government chooses the doctor, specialists, hospital, etc. Australian citizens can also purchase private insurance to supplement the government Medicare program. This allows a choice of doctor and specialists. The Australian government pays (from taxes collected) 75% of the medical treatment. For patients with private insurance the government does not pay (from taxes collected) most hospital fees, surgery costs and medicine. Private insurance is encouraged and Medicare is viewed as a safety net.

The population of Australia is approximately 20 million people, almost half the population of California. The government spends 9.8% of their GDP on healthcare compared to the United States, which spends 16% of GDP. The average middle-class Australian pays 1.5% of their gross income toward the Medicare levy. The middle-class tax rate including the Medicare levy is 20%, lower than the United States, which ranges between 25% and 28% (plus $4k to $16 which is paid no matter what).

There are two points to conclude from this. The first is that healthcare in Australia is not free. And the second is that the United States spends over twice the amount of tax dollars on healthcare than Australia but doesn’t have twice the amount of much of anything to show for it. Our government is inefficient and wasteful.

According to the Australian government’s website, “About half of all Australians have private health insurance. Forty-three per cent of the population (or nine million people) are covered by hospital insurance for treatment as private patients in both public and private hospitals. Forty-three per cent of the population (or nine million people) have ancillary cover for non-medical services provided out of hospital, such as physiotherapy, dental treatment and the purchase of spectacles.”
If socialized healthcare in Australia is so awesome why do almost half the population pay for private insurance over and above their ‘Medicare levy’?

I often hear the comment that the United States and Israel are the most hated countries in the world. Ironically those are the two countries where the most innovative technological and scientific medical treatments come from.
Conclusion: The private sector does things better. The government is bloated and inefficient. Collecting more taxes does not increase services or efficiency. Socialized healthcare is NOT free or when given the choice the citizens still purchase private healthcare when available.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Liberal Tolerance

Whoa! The liberal blogosphere, media and pundits are going after Zogby for the Obama voter poll. Just like 'Joe the Plumber' they are crucifying this guy for speaking out, sharing an opposing opinion. Yep, that's tolerance! Can you imagine if Obama were treated the same way that President Bush is disparaged? If you don't know what I'm talking about then you are part of the problem.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Obama Voters

This Zogby poll has been posted on numerous sites, but I wanted to include it on my blog as a follow-up on how intelligent liberals are.

Must watch! "Informed" Obama voters

Zogby Poll

512 Obama Voters 11/13/08-11/15/08 MOE +/- 4.4 points

97.1% High School Graduate or higher, 55% College Graduates

Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions

57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)

81.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)

82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)

88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)

56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).

And yet.....

Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes

Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter

And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!

Only 2.4% got at least 11 correct.

Only .5% got all of them correct. (And we "gave" one answer that was technically not Palin, but actually Tina Fey)

Liberals are more intelligent, but you knew that.

Liberals are more intelligent than conservatives. At least liberals think so. I don’t know why it is, but liberals think that they are smarter, worldlier and certainly more open minded than conservatives.

I’m taking a class at the Bay Area Glass Institute. The day after the election my instructor starts to tell me how smart President Elect Obama is. I responded that being intelligent is certainly something I would hope for and expect, but it doesn’t necessarily mean he will be a great President. Woodrow Wilson (PhD Princeton) is a good example. And remember how ‘smart’ Jimmy Carter is? After all, President Carter has a degree in engineering, and won a Nobel Peace Prize, just like that incredibly smart guy, Yasser Arafat.

I was paying 25% interest on my home loan during the Carter Administration. There was hyperinflation, high unemployment rates, and a deep recession. For all you uber-brilliant liberals, that’s known as stagflation. There were long gas lines and gas rationing. For everyone with a sociology degree, that’s known as the ‘what the fuck am I doing sitting in my car for 2 hours waiting for gas’ syndrome. After the Peanut Farmer in Chief indicated that he would rather talk than fight at every opportunity, the Soviets (that’s the Russians now, possums) invaded Afghanistan and spread their influence throughout Central and South America. The wise President Carter decided this would be the ideal time to give away the Panama Canal. But the coup de grace was Carter’s handling of Iran. He bailed on the Shah ushering in the Ayatollahs and 444 days of watching our US Embassy employees being held hostage. Thirty years later we are still dealing with the fallout from the blunders made by the very ‘intelligent’ President Carter.

Sure, Obama’s smart in that he has degrees from the Ivy League, gives good TelePromPter and tells people what they want to hear. Once the honeymoon is over and he can’t blame Bush for a rainy day, let’s see how this ‘intelligent’ man actually governs. I wish him the best; we’re all in this together, but color me doubtful.


Until 8 years ago I never thought of myself in terms of a conservative or a liberal. When Hillary Clinton talked about a ‘right-wing conspiracy’, I thought she was insulting and condescending. We knew her husband was fooling around. Seriously, what conspiracy was she talking about? And I certainly never thought she was talking about me.

Then we had the 2000 Presidential election. Our nation became polarized. Common sense was replaced with sheer nonsense. Instead of taking advantage of the boundless information available at our fingertips we became a nation of non-thinking, non-questioning robots. At least it seems that many on the left are not doing much critical thinking.

A few years ago I decided to go back to college. Perhaps living in one of the most liberal counties in Northern California is not an accurate portrayal of what is going on in our nation as a whole. And maybe San Jose State University is not your typical college environment. But it is my world right now and I find it frightening. Growing up in the sixties and attending college during Watergate was a more civil time than what is occurring on our college campuses today.

As self-therapy I thought I would blog about some of my observations from the ‘belly of the liberal beast’.